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Why are the audio files I've added to my xcode project available in the simulator but are not available when i deploy the app on iPhone

I am using an AVQueuePlayer to play local audio files which I have added to my Xcode project by dragging and dropping the .mp3 files into my folder in the project navigator pane. I then use this code to search thru my files and extract the files that I want, which I then use to fill a table view and to create AVPlayerItems for to play in my AVQueuePlayer.

My code works fine when I run the app on simulator but when i run the app on my iPhone, an error occurs and returns

fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

Here is the code causing the issue...

var songNameArray: Array<String> = [String]()
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let enumerator:NSDirectoryEnumerator = fileManager.enumeratorAtPath("/Users/UsersName/Desktop/Xcode Projects Folder/LocalAudioFilePlayer/LocalAudioFilePlayer")!

while let element = enumerator.nextObject() as? String {
    if element.hasSuffix("mp3") {

Are the files not being properly copied into the bundle which is then deployed to the iPhone? If so, what is the proper way to add the audio files?

I also tried this...

var songNameArray: Array<String> = [String]()
let path = String(NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath)
let songFiles = try!      NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(path)

for item in songFiles {
    if item.hasSuffix("mp3"){
        print("appended to songNameArray \(item)")

But I get the error

The folder “")” doesn’t exist

Any help is greatly appreciated


  • let path = String(NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath)

    This line is not doing what you might think it does. NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath returns String?, which is an optional type. When you create a string from that by wrapping String() around it, it doesn't unwrap the optional, it creates a string describing the optional, which looks like this:


    What you want there is something more like

    var path = NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath!

    That unwraps the String? type, and gives you a string (or throws an error).