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Conditional Colouring of Matrix Cells in R

I have a matrix in R, for example:

mat <- matrix(round(runif(n=30^2, min=0, max=1),2), nrow=30, ncol=30)

My aim is to colour the cells of this matrix, dependent on the value in the cell. The values are numeric, not factors. For example: I like to colour all values between 0.4 and 0.6 red, if possible such that the values are still shown in the cell. I like to save the matrix as an image - the aim is to see at first glance which cells are red. The solution of this problem should not only allow one colour: It may be useful later to say that values between 0 and 0.2 are green, or additionally values between 0.8 and 1 black etc.

I tried the following things:

Conditional coloring of cells in table

-> Gives me a heatmap, but I like to choose which values get which colour

How to color specific cells in a Data Frame / Table in R?

-> Gives me a HTML table, but not an Image (I cannot save it in a way that I can see the whole table)

-> Same problem as in first link

Do you know how I can get that?


  • Here's an example:

    ggplot(melt(mat), aes(Var1, Var2, fill=cut(value, seq(0, 1, .2)), label=round(value, 1))) + 
      geom_tile() + 
      scale_fill_manual(values=c("green", "white", "red", "white", "black")) + 