I have a canvas. When I click it, I get the coordinates of the mouse and up (adds a child) has custum control (a thumb with a simply circle) there. On the screen, logically, the upper left corner is taken as reference when adding. I will wish to place the center of thumb exactly where I click (see picture. Red star = Where I click).
To do what, I need to get the actual width and height of the thumb, And Then calculate the exact coordonate to place the center of the thumb where the user clicked. Is there a better way ? In WPF, I used this code, but it doen't work in WinRT.
//Circle in thumb
Ellipse Bdr = this.GetTemplateChild("Forme") as Ellipse;
DependencyObject dobj = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(Bdr);
Vector ParentPosition = VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset((Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dobj));
Vector BdrPosition = VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset((Visual)dobj);
return new Point((Position.X+BdrPosition.X) + Bdr.ActualWidth /2,(Position.Y+ ParentPosition.Y) + Bdr.ActualHeight / 2);
Can you help me ? Thanks !
The ActualHeight
and ActualWidth
properties remain 0 until the FrameworkElement
isn't loaded. On other hand, if you've sized Ellipse
in ControlTemplate
, you can get it's size on OnApplyTemplate()
. You can use delegate to pass height and width to container Page
. i.e.
public class ThumbControl : Control
public IThumbSize thumbSize;
public ThumbControl()
this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(ThumbControl);
protected override void OnApplyTemplate()
Ellipse child = this.GetTemplateChild("circle") as Ellipse;
if (thumbSize != null)
thumbSize.SizeMeasured(child.Width, child.Height);
ThumbControl's Style
<Style TargetType="local:ThumbControl">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:ThumbControl">
<Ellipse x:Name="circle"
IThumb interface
public interface IThumbSize
void SizeMeasured(double width, double height);
<Grid Background="Black">
<Canvas x:Name="rootCanvas"
public sealed partial class ContainerPage: Page, IThumbSize
ThumbControl thumbControl = new ThumbControl();
Point touchPoint = new Point();
public ContainerPage()
thumbControl.thumbSize = this;
private void rootCanvas_PointerReleased(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
PointerPoint pt = e.GetCurrentPoint(rootCanvas);
touchPoint.X = pt.Position.X;
touchPoint.Y = pt.Position.Y;
if (!rootCanvas.Children.Contains(thumbControl))
Canvas.SetLeft(thumbControl, touchPoint.X - (thumbControl.ActualWidth / 2));
Canvas.SetTop(thumbControl, touchPoint.Y - (thumbControl.ActualHeight / 2));
public void SizeMeasured(double width, double height)
Canvas.SetLeft(thumbControl, touchPoint.X - (width / 2));
Canvas.SetTop(thumbControl, touchPoint.Y - (height / 2));
Hope it helped.