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git am error: “error: while searching for:”

running git am I get error above. Comparing by hand I do not see any problem. May someone point me where the error is?

$ git am 0012-Do-not-die-when-something-nasty-happen-in-the-comman.patch --reject
Applying: Do not die when something nasty happen in the command
Checking patch lib/Devel/DebugHooks/
error: while searching for:
    return 0   unless  $cmd  &&  exists $DB::commands->{ $cmd };

    # The command also should return defined value to keep interaction
    if( defined (my $result =  $DB::commands->{ $cmd }( $args_str )) ) {
        return $result   unless ref $result;

        # Allow commands to evaluate $expr at a debugged script context

error: patch failed: lib/Devel/DebugHooks/
Applying patch lib/Devel/DebugHooks/ with 1 reject...
Rejected hunk #1.
Patch failed at 0001 Do not die when something nasty happen in the command
The copy of the patch that failed is found in: .git/rebase-apply/patch
When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".

the .rej:

$ cat 
diff a/lib/Devel/DebugHooks/ b/lib/Devel/DebugHooks/  (rejected hunks)
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ sub process {
    return 0   unless  $cmd  &&  exists $DB::commands->{ $cmd };

    # The command also should return defined value to keep interaction
-   if( defined (my $result =  $DB::commands->{ $cmd }( $args_str )) ) {
+   my $result =  eval { $DB::commands->{ $cmd }( $args_str ) };
+   do{ print $DB::OUT "'$cmd' command died: $@"; return 1; }   if $@;
+   if( defined $result ) {
        return $result   unless ref $result;

        # Allow commands to evaluate $expr at a debugged script context

the source:

$ cat 
package Devel::DebugHooks::CmdProcessor;

sub process {
    my( $dbg ) =  shift;

    my( $cmd, $args_str ) =  shift =~ m/^([\w.]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/;
    $args_str //=  '';

    return 0   unless  $cmd and exists $DB::commands->{ $cmd };

    # The command also should return defined value to keep interaction
    if( defined (my $result =  $DB::commands->{ $cmd }( $args_str )) ) {
        return $result   unless ref $result;

        # Allow commands to evaluate $expr at a debugged script context
        if( ref( $result ) eq 'HASH' ) {
            return $result->{ code }->(
                ,DB::eval( $result->{ expr } ) # FIX: it is not evaled at script context

        return $result;
    else {

    return 0;


line endings are unix.

Trying to run git apply manually gives next error:

$ git apply 
fatal: patch fragment without header at line 2: @@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ sub process {


  • git is searching for the line

    return 0 unless $cmd && exists $DB::commands->{ $cmd };

    but your code contains the line

    return 0 unless $cmd and exists $DB::commands->{ $cmd };

    (I marked the difference between && and and) whence the patch does not apply.

    You can find a nice tutorial about git conflict resolution here.