I'm using spring cloud Brixton.M4 with spring boot 1.3.1
I have zuul server with
and i'm using Eureka first to find Config-Server so bootstrap looks like
profiles: dev
fail-fast: true
enabled: true
serviceId: config-server
zuul is registring two time first with UP state then with STARTING
2016-01-18 14:47:27.209 INFO 2808 --- [ main] c.w.i.edgeserver.EdgeServerApplication : Started EdgeServerApplication in 21.651 seconds (JVM running for 22.232)
2016-01-18 14:47:56.231 INFO 2808 --- [ool-20-thread-1] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_EDGE-SERVER/ - Re-registering apps/EDGE-SERVER
2016-01-18 14:47:56.270 INFO 2808 --- [ool-20-thread-1] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_EDGE-SERVER/ registering service...
2016-01-18 14:47:56.281 INFO 2808 --- [ool-20-thread-1] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_EDGE-SERVER/ - registration status: 204
2016-01-18 14:48:06.230 INFO 2808 --- [nfoReplicator-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_EDGE-SERVER/ registering service...
2016-01-18 14:48:06.238 INFO 2808 --- [nfoReplicator-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_EDGE-SERVER/ - registration status: 204
If I remove dependency on config-server by setting
profiles: dev
fail-fast: false
enabled: false
serviceId: config-server
everything runs fine.
That's normal I think (the bootstrap phase has to register to get the configserver location, and then unregister to let the main application register again). You will probably find that it settles back to UP after the application has started up fully.