I have a problem in data accuracy when I store data in variables/columns.
Consider the following example
DECLARE @w NUMERIC(38, 15) = 0.458441,
@a NUMERIC(38, 15) = 10.000000,
@p NUMERIC(38, 15) = 5.000000
select (1+0.458441)*(1+ 10.000000/100)*(1+ 5.000000/100)
Result : 1.68449935500000000000000000
SELECT ( 1 + @w ) * ( 1 + @a / 100.0 ) * ( 1 + @p / 100.0 )
Result : 1.684499
Can anyone tell what is the reason for approximation when I store values in variable and how it can be fixed?
First check datatypes:
SELECT '0.458441', system_type_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(N'SELECT 0.458441', NULL, 0)
SELECT '10.000000', system_type_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(N'SELECT 10.000000', NULL, 0)
SELECT '5.000000', system_type_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(N'SELECT 5.000000', NULL, 0);
║ value ║ system_type_name ║
║ 0.458441 ║ numeric(6,6) ║
║ 10.000000 ║ numeric(8,6) ║
║ 5.000000 ║ numeric(7,6) ║
Query 1:
SELECT (1+0.458441)*(1+10.000000/100)*(1+5.000000/100)
-- 1.684499355
Query 2:
SELECT (1 + @w) * (1 + @a/100.0) * (1 + @p/100.0)
-- 1.684499
After adding casting:
SELECT (1 + CAST(@w AS NUMERIC(8,6))) *
(1 + CAST(@a AS NUMERIC(8,6))/100.0) *
(1 + CAST(@p AS NUMERIC(8,6))/100.0)
-- 1.684499355
Why it is the case: related article