I'm trying to make Vim run the command 'CommandTFlush' whenever a new file is writte. For those not using the Command-T plugin, the 'CommandTFlush' command is used to rebuild an index of files in the current directory.
What I want to do is run the command after the file is written to disk, so that CommandTFlush will find the file and add it to it's index.
I've tried writing a function myself, but either it doesn't fire or it fires too soon (before the file is written, and the whole point is to add the file to the index):
au! BufWritePre * ks| call NewFilesUpdatesCommandT()
function! NewFilesUpdatesCommandT()
let filename=@%
if !filereadable(filename)
I suspect it could be solved by setting some boolean var (isTheFileNew) in BufWritePre and then execute the CommandTFlush command in BufWritePost if the file was just created, but I can't figure out the syntax. Another solution could be setting/unsetting the BufWritePost callback from within BufWritePre callback, if that's possible...
Could anybody help me out here? ;)
augroup NFUCT
autocmd BufWritePre * call NFUCTset()
augroup END
function NFUCTset()
if !filereadable(expand('%'))
augroup NFUCT
autocmd BufWritePost * call NFUCT()
augroup END
function NFUCT()
augroup NFUCT
autocmd BufWritePre * call NFUCTset()
augroup END
This is a realization of your second suggestion.