After reading this post:
I'm trying to convert a CSV file to a Parquet file. I can successfully query my CSV:
select * from dfs.`/Users/[username]/Desktop/drill_example.csv` limit 5;
with an output of:
| columns |
| ["1","UT","M\r"] |
| ["2","CA","M\r"] |
| ["3","CA","F\r"] |
| ["4","NJ","M\r"] |
| ["5","FL","F\r"] |
I then change the format to Parquet via:
alter session set `store.format`='parquet';
with an output of:
| ok | summary |
| true | store.format updated. |
I then create the new table/file using this code:
CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.`/Users/[username]/Desktop/drill_example_parquet` AS
select * from dfs.`/Users/[username]/Desktop/drill_example.csv`;
with the following output:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
| Fragment | Number of records written |
| 0_0 | 10000 |
1 row selected (1.292 seconds)
The table/file is created because I can query it with this code:
FROM dfs.tmp.`/Users/[username]/Desktop/drill_example_parquet`;
but I can't find the file on my computer. How do I get the Parquet file (not table)? In other words, the Parquet version of the CSV file on my desktop. Do I have to export it somehow? Also, how do I delete these tables once I'm done?
Thanks in advance.
Check your dfs
plugin via web host (xx.xx.xx.xx:8047/storage/dfs
By default temp
"tmp": {
"location": "/tmp",
"writable": true,
"defaultInputFormat": null
your file will be at location(assuming you have not chaned tmp
directory) :