How to make a website build in PHP monitorable using monitoring agents like Zabbix?
I have built a website using a Website and now the client tells me that he wants it to be monitorable. He even told me about the software he is going to use to minitor it, I just dont know how to make it possible. I would'nt like to focus on the solution he is going to use, I wanted to keep the solution abstract. Have been reserarching and found something about CIM (Common Information Model), but nothing clear yet. Any ideas?
You can potentially do many things with zabbix, currently one of my client uses Zabbix to monitor over 500 virtual machines.
Step 1: Install zabbix server
Step 2: Install zabbix client on your php machine zabbix server/client installation link
Step 3: Configure host in zabbix sever (you can use zabbix-UI)
That's it, you can see that Zabbix will start monitor your server(s)
Now, What zabbix can monitor:
You can easily get the Templates for PHP to start basic monitoring
Other than that they have