Is there a recommended built-in type in C# that collections can be converted/cast to that will still allow deferred execution, but not allow the type to be cast back into IQueryable? (Like IEnumerable<T>
can in some cases)
A built in type no but it's pretty easy to do :
public static class Utils
public static IEnumerable<T> AsDefferedEnumerable<T>(this IQueryable<T> Source)
foreach (var item in Source)
yield return item;
This way you're not returning a casted IQueryable (that could be casted back) but creating a new IEnumerable wrapping it , you don't even need a new type at all for that you just end up with an IEnumerable that will itself enumerate the IQueryable as it is enumerated without exposing it.
Edit : sample of a wrapper object (untested)
public class HideImplementationEnumerable<T>
public HideImplementationEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> Source)
this.Source = Source;
private IEnumerable<T> Source;
public IEnumerable<T> Value
foreach (var item in Source)
yield return item;