I'm trying to create a proof-of-concept app with Angular 2 and Typescript. I'm wanting to incorporate the toastr notification library and was hoping there would be a simple way to get it running without the definition files.
I've created a file in my common services directory called toastr.d.ts]:
declare module "toastr" {
// var noTypeInfoYet: any;
// export = noTypeInfoYet;
which is called from the service common.ts
/// <reference path="toastr.d.ts" />
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {toastr} from 'toastr';
export class Common {
constructor() {}
however I get the compilation error: [DiffingTSCompiler]: Typescript found the following errors: app/services/common/common.ts (3,9): Module '"toastr"' has no exported member 'toastr'.
All of the code can be found on Cloud 9
The following:
import {toastr} from 'toastr';
is wrong. toastr
doesn't export a variable toastr
in fact the root level export IS toastr. Fix:
import * as toastr from 'toastr';