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Using Spring's MockMvc framework, how do I test the value of an attribute of an attribute of my model?

I’m using Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE and JUnit 4.11. I’m using Spring’s org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc framework to test a controller method. In one test, I have a model that is populated with the following object:

public class MyObjectForm 

    private List<MyObject> myobjects;

    public List<MyObject> getMyObjects() {
        return myobjects;

    public void setMyObjects(List<MyObject> myobjects) {
        this.myobjects = myobjects;


The “MyObject” object in turn has the following field …

public class MyObject
    private Boolean myProperty;

Using the MockMvc framework, how do I check that the first item in the “myobjects” list has an attribute “myProperty” equal to true? So far I know it goes something like this …

            .param(“param1”, ids))
            .andExpect(model().attribute("MyObjectForm", hasProperty("myobjects[0].myProperty”, Matchers.equalTo(true))))

but I’m clueless as to how to test the value of an attribute of an attribute?


  • You can nest hasItem and hasProperty matchers if your object has a getter getMyProperty.

           hasItem(hasProperty("myProperty”, Matchers.equalTo(true))))))

    If you know how much objects are in the list than you can check the first item with

       hasProperty("myObjects", contains(
             hasProperty("myProperty”, Matchers.equalTo(true)),