Title says it all: does the internal Mirth Javascript IDE support code-completion and documentation for user defined functions? I clearly see that it does with the built-in ones.
I'm wondering if I need to annotate my functions in a particular way, or perhaps it's not even supported at this time (current v3.3).
Since Nick is not answering you in Mirth forum, I'm guessing that this feature is not implemented. I tried to mimic to make it close to what you are trying to achieve, so in my case it works in a following way:
1) In a code template library create a "Compiled Code Block":
var sMSH = {
sendingFacility: function () {
return msg['MSH']['MSH.4']['MSH.4.1'].toString();
dateTimeOfMessage: function () {
return msg['MSH']['MSH.7']['MSH.7.1'].toString();
messageControlId: function () {
return msg['MSH']['MSH.10']['MSH.10.1'].toString();
2) Then create several "Drag-an-Drop Code Block" like this with the template name "MSH.messageControlId" (which will be visible in user's defined code list):
3) Make sure that context is visible to your channel.
4) Now, go the the channel's transformer editor and select Reference > User Defined Code. All drag'n'drop codes should be there and they work as expected.
This is not code-completion as you wanted but I guess it's pretty close and hides mapping complexity from the coders.