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SQL Server query poor performance

We are working with an app, .NET, in which when you press a button a DevExpress form is opened and a SQL Server query is executed, so it can fill with data some comboboxes. Application is working fine in lots of customers, but in a particular one it´s taking more than a minute in loading the form. I can see in the performance monitor that SQL Server is taking a lot of CPU when I want to load the form.

I executed the query directly in SQL Server Management Studio, taking no more than a second, however I tried having a look at SQL Activity Monitor and what I can see here (not happening to other customers, same IO, same SQL, same everything) is this:

enter image description here

So the thing I can see here, that I don´t understand, is why is this query having so much executions? Why is it taking so long to retrieve data? Here it´s the execution plan of this query:

Select * 
From cuinac_pos  
Where [group] in (Select [group] 
                  From proc_groups  
                  Where Code = 13100271)

enter image description here

Thank you for any help you can give me, and please if I can give any more info do not hesitate to ask.

Once again, thanks!


enter image description here

enter image description here


Select count(*) 
From proc_groups 
Where Code = 13100271

enter image description here

enter image description here

Definition of the index in proc_groups:

enter image description here

Example of the code:

private static void LoadDTPurchaseHerdRelation(Int32 status, Int32 herdNumber)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.Append(" Select gr.[group] as HerdId, gr.code as HerdNumber, bo.code as PurchaseCode");
                sb.Append(" From cuinac_pos bo ");
                sb.Append(" inner join proc_groups gr on bo.code=gr.code ");

                if (herdNumber == 0)
                    string s1 = " Where (gr.created between '2015-12-09' And '2016-01-08') ";

                    if (status != 4)
                        string s2 = string.Format(" AND bo.purchasestatus = {0} ", status);

                    sb.Append(" order by bo.code ");
                    string s3 = string.Format(" Where gr.code = '{0}' ", herdNumber);

                using (ConnectionScope cs = new ConnectionScope())
                    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sb.ToString(), (SqlConnection)cs.Connection);
            catch (Exception ex)



Execution plan for query

Select * From cuinac_pos Where [group] in (Select [group] From proc_groups Where Code = N'13100271')

enter image description here


I finally got it by adding indexes suggested in the answer marked as correct, and adding in the code, in the queries which searched by nvarchar value "Code", an N before rhe value as suggested in comments by shriop. Thank you all for your effort!


  • For this query:

    Select *
    From cuinac_pos
    Where [group] in (Select [group] From proc_groups  Where Code = 13100271 );

    The optimal indexes are proc_groups(code, group) and cuinac_pos(group). Having those indexes might help.


    For performance, this might be better:

    Select *
    From cuinac_pos cp
    Where exists (Select 1
                  From proc_groups pg
                  Where pg.Code = 13100271 and pg.[group] = cp.[group]

    with an index on `proc_groups(group, code)