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Insert a Hyperlink at a specified position in a WPF FlowDocument

I'd like to insert a WPF Hyperlink element into a FlowDocument programmatically.

The objective is to create a toolbar button that would take a run of text within a RichTextBox and replace it with a Hyperlink. It's the same sort of interface you see on the web for creating hyperlinks on wikis or in blogs (or on StackOverflow).

I can find the TextRange of the selected text like this:

    TextRange tr = new TextRange(

And I'm attempting to stuff the Hyperlink Xaml into the TextRange like so:

    string rawXaml = "<Hyperlink xmlns=\"\" NavigateUri=\"\">Google Home Page</Hyperlink>";

    using(MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
        stream.Position = 0;

        if (tr.CanLoad(DataFormats.Xaml))
            tr.Load(stream, DataFormats.Xaml);

But I still seem to get plain text pasted into the RichTextBox.

What am I doing wrong here? Are there better ways to accomplish what I'm trying to do?


  • Use the constructor for Hyperlink that takes in a TextPointer:

    tr.Text = "";
    Run run = new Run("Google Home Page");
    Hyperlink hlink = new Hyperlink(run, tr.Start);
    hlink.NavigateUri = new Uri("");

    Or, change the text first and then use the one that takes two TextPointers:

    tr.Text = "Google Home Page";
    Hyperlink hlink = new Hyperlink(tr.Start, tr.End);
    hlink.NavigateUri = new Uri("");

    Edit: If you want to use TextRange.Load, try wrapping the Hyperlink in a Span:

    string rawXaml = "<Span xmlns=\"\"><Hyperlink NavigateUri=\"\">Google Home Page</Hyperlink></Span>";

    I'm not sure why this works when a plain Hyperlink doesn't, but it's closer to what gets returned by TextRange.Save.