I am trying to find if an element is a part of a set. Here is my function:
fun elementOf(x:int, (nil:int list, nil:bool list)) = nil
| elementOf(x, (y::ys, z::zs)) = if x = y then z else elementOf(x, (ys, zs));
So if I were to call elementOf(2, ([2,7,4], [false,true,false]))
it would return false
However, I get the error message:
Error: types of if branches do not agree [tycon mismatch]
then branch: bool
else branch: 'Z list
in expression: if x = y then z else elementOf(x,ys,zs))
What is a 'Z list and how do I fix this error?
What is a 'Z list?
A 'Z list is Standard ML's way of inferring the return type of nil
in your base case. nil
could be any type of list, since it's empty. 'Z is a type variable.
How do I fix this error?
The problem is that elementOf
cannot sometimes return nil
and other times true
/ false
. By changing the base-case to false
, the function will work such that elements not in the list are also not in the set:
fun elementOf(x:int, (nil:int list, nil:bool list)) = false
| elementOf(x, (y::ys, z::zs)) = if x = y then z else elementOf(x, (ys, zs));
But there is probably not a good reason to store elements that are not in the set, as opposed to throwing them away. A slightly more efficient representation would simply be a list of members:
fun elementOf (x, nil : int list) = false
| elementOf (x, y::ys) = x = y orelse elementOf (x, ys)
Or made with the built-in list combinator List.exists
fun elementOf x xs = List.exists (y => x = y) xs
Or written in point-free style:
fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
val elementOf = List.exists o curry op=
A better one yet relies on binary trees:
data binTree = Empty
| Node of binTree * int * binTree
fun elementOf (x, Empty) false
| elementOf (x, Node (left, y, right)) =
(case Int.compare (x, y) of
LESS => elementOf (x, left)
| EQUAL => true
| GREATER => elementOf (x, right))