I want to developt many middlewares to be sure websites'll be parse. This is the workflow I thinks :
I'll create a custom middleware, with process_request function wich contains all of this 5 methods. But I don't find how save type of connection (for exemple if TOR not works, but direct connection yes, I want to use this settings for all of my other scrap, for the same website). How can I save this settings ?
Other thinks, I've a pipeline wich download images of items. Is there a solution to use this middleware (idealy with saving settings) to use on it ?
Thanks in advance for you're help.
I think you could use the retry middleware as a starting point:
You could use request.meta["proxy_method"]
to keep track of which one you are using
You could reuse request.meta["retry_times"]
in order to track how many times you have retried a given method, and then set the value to zero when you change the proxy method.
You could use request.meta["proxy"]
to use the proxy server you want via the existing HTTP proxy middleware. You may want to tweak the middlewares ordering so that the retry middleware runs before the proxy middleware.