I was trying to run a query like this on hive (version 1.2.1) :
DELETE FROM employee as e WHERE (e.id, e.name) IN ( SELECT emp.id, emp.name FROM employee_final emp) AND e.sno = 120 ;
But since hive doesn't support this construct so I tried this :
id IN ( SELECT emp.id FROM employee_final AS emp )
name IN ( SELECT emp.name FROM employee_final AS emp )
AND e.sno = 120 ;
But it seems there is a limitation in hive and it supports just 1 subquery and I am getting an exception like this
Error Message : Grammatically incorrect SQL Query :]; nested exception is org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10249]: Line 1:185 Unsupported SubQuery Expression 'name': Only 1 SubQuery expression is supported.
What is the most efficient way to handle this problem.
You can try following
through EXISTS I am not sure about this form for subquery is supported in HIVE.
DELETE FROM employee as e WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM employee_final emp where e.id = emp.id and e.name = emp.name ) AND e.sno = 120 ;
through CONCAT function
DELETE FROM employee as e WHERE concat (e.id, '#' ,e.name) IN ( SELECT concat (emp.id,'#' ,emp.name) FROM employee_final emp) AND e.sno = 120 ;