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TyphoonOptionMatcher with conformsToProtocol

It would be nice if I could use matcher to select definition based on protocol, for example:

- (UIViewController *)viewControllerForViewModel:(id <IViewModel>)viewModel
    return [TyphoonDefinition withOption:viewModel matcher:^(TyphoonOptionMatcher *matcher)
        [matcher conformsToProtocol:@protocol(ILoginViewModel) use:[self loginViewController]];
        [matcher conformsToProtocol:@protocol(IMainViewModel) use:[self mainScreenViewController]];
        [matcher defaultUse:[self emptyScreen]];

Is it possible to do with what Typhoon has right now or maybe with some workarounds?

Thank you.

Edit: I've made some additions to TyphoonOptionMatch and TyphoonOptionMatcher to have conformsToProtocol option, is it worth it to create a PR?


@property (nonatomic) Protocol *proto;
+ (id)matchWithConformsToProto:(Protocol *)proto injection:(id)injection;


- (void)conformsToProto:(Protocol *)aProtocol use:(id)injection
- (TyphoonOptionMatch *)matchForValue:(id)value {
    BOOL isConformProto = (match.proto && [value conformsToProtocol:match.proto]);


  • This feature is out in 3.4.5 release

    [matcher caseConformsToProtocol:@protocol(IMainViewModel) 
                                use:[self mainScreenViewController]];