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Assign weights in lpSolveAPI to prioritise variables

I am trying to set up a linear programming solution using lpSolveAPI and R to solve a scheduling problem. Below is a small sample of the data; the minutes required for each session id, and their 'preferred' order/weight.

id <- 1:100
min <- sample(0:500, 100)
weight <- (1:100)/sum(1:100)
data <- data.frame(id, min, weight)

What I want to do is arrange/schedule these session IDs so that there are maximum number sessions in a day, preferably by their weight and each day is capped by a total of 400 minutes.

This is how I have set it up currently in R:


#Set up matrix to hold results; each row represents day
r <- 5
c <- 10
row <- 1

results <- matrix(0, nrow = r, ncol = c)
rownames(results) <- format(seq(Sys.Date(), by = "days", length.out = r), "%Y-%m-%d")

for (i in 1:r){
    for(j in 1:c){  
        lp <- make.lp(0, nrow(data)) 
        set.type(lp, 1:nrow(data), "binary")
        set.objfn(lp, rep(1, nrow(data)))
        lp.control(lp, sense = "max")
        add.constraint(lp, data$min, "<=", 400)
        set.branch.weights(lp, data$weight)

        a <- get.variables(lp)*data$id
        b <- a[a!=0]

        tryCatch(results[row, 1:length(b)] <- b, error = function(x) 0)

        if(dim(data[!data$id == a,])[1] > 0) {
            data <- data[!data$id== a,]
            row <- row + 1


sum(results > 0)    

barplot(results) #View of scheduled IDs

A quick look at the results matrix tells me that while the setup works to maximise number of sessions so that the total minutes in a day are close to 400 as possible, the setup doesn't follow the weights given. I expect my results matrix to be filled with increasing session IDs.

I have tried assigning different weights, weights in reverse order etc. but for some reason my setup doesn't seem to enforce "set.branch.weights".

I have read the documentation for "set.branch.weights" from lpSolveAPI but I think I am doing something wrong here.

Example - Data:

   id   min weight
    1   67  1
    2   72  2
    3   36  3
    4   91  4
    5   80  5
    6   44  6
    7   76  7
    8   58  8
    9   84  9
    10  96  10
    11  21  11
    12  1   12
    13  41  13
    14  66  14
    15  89  15
    16  62  16
    17  11  17
    18  42  18
    19  68  19
    20  25  20
    21  44  21
    22  90  22
    23  4   23
    24  33  24
    25  31  25

Should be

    Day 1   67  72  36  91  80  44  76          
    Day 2   58  84  96  21  1   41  66  89      
    Day 3   62  11  42  68  25  44  90  4   33  31

Each day has a cumulative sum of <= 480m.


  • My simple minded approach:

    df = read.table(header=T,text="
     id   min weight
      1   67  1
      2   72  2
      3   36  3
      4   91  4
      5   80  5
      6   44  6
      7   76  7
      8   58  8
      9   84  9
      10  96  10
      11  21  11
      12  1   12
      13  41  13
      14  66  14
      15  89  15
      16  62  16
      17  11  17
      18  42  18
      19  68  19
      20  25  20
      21  44  21
      22  90  22
      23  4   23
      24  33  24
      25  31  25")
    # assume sorted by weight 
    daynr = 1
    daymax = 480
    dayusd = 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(df))
      v = df$min[i]
      dayusd = dayusd + v
      if (dayusd>daymax)
        daynr = daynr + 1
        dayusd = v
      df$day[[i]] = daynr

    This will give:

     > df
        id min weight day
     1   1  67      1   1
     2   2  72      2   1
     3   3  36      3   1
     4   4  91      4   1
     5   5  80      5   1
     6   6  44      6   1
     7   7  76      7   1
     8   8  58      8   2
     9   9  84      9   2
     10 10  96     10   2
     11 11  21     11   2
     12 12   1     12   2
     13 13  41     13   2
     14 14  66     14   2
     15 15  89     15   2
     16 16  62     16   3
     17 17  11     17   3
     18 18  42     18   3
     19 19  68     19   3
     20 20  25     20   3
     21 21  44     21   3
     22 22  90     22   3
     23 23   4     23   3
     24 24  33     24   3
     25 25  31     25   3