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use specs2 in 'is' style with play2

class ServiceTest extends PlaySpecification with Mockito {

  override def is =
    This is Service Specification

    The Service  should create element in right way          $init

  val metricId = 1
  val hashid = HashIdGenerator.hashId(metricId)
  def init = 1 mustEqual (1)


The HashIdGenerator need play application start , the play doc shows we need get a play application in this way:

  "Computer model" should {

  "be retrieved by id" in new WithApplication {
    // your test code
  "be retrieved by email" in new WithApplication {
    // your test code

but i don't like this 'should in ' style , so how can i get a play application and keep using 'is' style at the same time .


  • use WithApplication wrap the code depend on play application:

      val Id = 1
      val app = new WithApplication {
        val hashId = HashIdGenerator.hashId(Id)
      val hashId = app.hashId