Hello world,
I'm learning how to animate SVGs, and I've encountered a problem with begin="click"
: the element is invisible and thus unclickable.
Is it normal that svg elements are hidden before their animation begin ? How can I make sure it's visible (and thus clickable) ?
Thanks a lot !
You have to set the element's d
attribute to a default value, otherwise, it won't render anything :
.test {
display: block;
transform: scale(3);
margin: 0 auto 50px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
<svg class="test" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<path fill="#00ff00" d="M30.1,29.6V21l-5.3-5.4L19.9,21v3.3h-8.6v15.3h27.3V29.6H30.1z">
<animate attributeName="d" values="M30.1,29.6V21l-5.3-5.4L19.9,21v3.3h-8.6v15.3h27.3V29.6H30.1z;
M30.1,24.6V16l-5.3-5.4L19.9,16v3.3h-8.6v20.3h27.3V24.6H30.1z;" from="0" to="1" dur="1200ms" fill="freeze" begin="click" keyTimes="0; .8; 1" calcMode="linear" repeatcount="indefinite" />