I'm using Ephesoft-Community-Edition- with alfresco 4.0 I got CmisObjectNotFoundException when i try to export uploaded file with meta-data.
this is the log in dcma-all.log
- batchInstanceIdentifierIdentifier : BI16 inputFileName : BI16_batch.xml outputFileName : PRE_STATE_BI16_batch.xml
- Successfully copy of the file for batch Instance identifier : BI16
- CMIS export plugin.
- Initializing properties...
- CMIS: HTTP Basic Authentication will be used for CMIS messaging.
Determining if the target folder "Sites" exists within the repository folder "/".
- Folder already present
- Found the child folder. Its folder ID is workspace://SpacesStore/383973c1-0325-408f-8f54-551c9bd86ebc.
- Determining if the target folder "ephesoftintegration" exists within the repository folder "/Sites".
- Folder already present
- Found the child folder. Its folder ID is workspace://SpacesStore/5c4c7e20-7148-4c59-a3a8-edd76748aa3d.
- Determining if the target folder "documentLibrary" exists within the repository folder "/Sites/ephesoftintegration".
- Folder already present
- Found the child folder. Its folder ID is workspace://SpacesStore/9ecc0217-4e5f-456a-b22c-9cb8b57a4152.
- Determining if the target folder "files" exists within the repository folder "/Sites/ephesoftintegration/documentLibrary".
- Folder already present
- Found the child folder. Its folder ID is workspace://SpacesStore/32469808-a4cc-4cf9-acf4-2ab8e9a892a6.
- Content mime type is: application/pdf
- property - keyString : MyDocType , property-value : my:document
- {cmis:objectTypeId=my:document, cmis:name=BI16_documentDOC1.pdf}
2016-01-16 16:07:43,662 ERROR - Introuvable
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisObjectNotFoundException: Introuvable
When dealing with Alfresco with (Enabled Versioning on files). Any file created must have a document_versioning_state (MINOR OR MAJOR), it could not be NONE as default.
So the Solution is to modify in Ephesoft dcma-cmis.properties File located under C:\Ephesoft\Application\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\dcma-cmis Folder.
This line must be