Search code examples

how to handle highlighting in Solrnet?

I have a problem in searching solr using solrnet client.. problem is when query with highlighting option on it gives me the count of highlights less than the actual results but when i search directly on solr admin page it gives same number of results in highlights is equal to number of rows specified. can i get the same number of results in highlights as number of rows specified in query?

Here is how i use highlighting in Solrnet

QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions();

options.Rows = 20;
options.Start = 0;

HighlightingParameters hp = new HighlightingParameters();
List<string> fields = new List<string>();
hp.Fields = fields;
options.Highlight = hp;

ISolrQueryResults<Document> results = solrWorker.Query(query, options);\\query is same as \\i commented before

and after this results.count!=results.Highlights.Count

results.count is exactly equal to options.Rows that is 20 but results.Highlights.Count is less than 20.

also one thing DocID is uniqueKey in schema.xml

i am using Solr 1.4.1 and SolrNet-0.2.3-net-2.0 and i have downloaded this version of Solrnet from

And the problem i m facing is i have queried "+Contents:risk +(DocID:100)", now let this query matches 3 results now all these three results are shown but highlighting is done against only one of these results but when i see the admin page there all three results are shown as well as all three are highlighted.


  • It was a bug in SolrNet 0.2.3, fixed in 0.3.0b1.