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how to draw a d3 bubble chart for a local geojson file

I want to plot a d3 bubble chart. By taking the example from d3 This link i tried to get the bubble chart for my local file i.e myfile.geojson. The code which i tried is in the plunker link. I want to plot a bubble chart based on the value "Profit". Tried everything in the google and youtube but i didnt get the solution to my problem. Plunker link
I am new to d3. If i do any mistakes in the code please suggest me to make them correct. Thanks In advance.


  • Your data is way different from flare.json so copying the recurse code will not make your data. Your dataset is very simple it does not need a recursion to flatten the dataset.

    function classes(root) {
      var classes = [];
      function recurse(profit, node) {
        if (node.profit) node.profit.forEach(function(child) { recurse(node.profit, child); });
        else classes.push({packageName: type, className: node.profit, value: node.profit});
      recurse(null, root);
      return {features: classes};

    This should have been:

    function classes(root) {
      var classes =, i) {
        //here i is the index
        return {
          className: "Hello" + i,////just giving some dummy values
          packageName: i//just giving some dummy values
      return classes;

    Now pass this data to the bubble layout like this:

    var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
              children: classes(root)
            }).filter(function(d) {
              return !d.children;
            .attr("class", "node")
            .attr("transform", function(d) {
              return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";


    The bubble chart is based on the profit value:

    The radius of the circle depends on the value you give here inside the classes function.

    return {
              className: "Hello" + i,////just giving some dummy values
              packageName: i//just giving some dummy values

    Thus more the value or the bigger will be the radius. The radius will be relative to the diameter you setting here:

     var bubble = d3.layout.pack()
          .size([diameter, diameter])

    Read Domain range in d3

    In place of className and packageName what should i give to get the bubble chart based on the profit value.

    This i don't know what to answer I think your concept is not clear so is the naive question.

    If you see the code packageName defines the color

    .style("fill", function(d) {
              return color(d.packageName);

    and className defines the text to be displayed in the bubble

       .text(function(d) {
          return d.className;

    Kindly see the code in fiddle its very simple to understand.

    Working code here.