I developed a cocoa application that builds, archives and creates iOS application files. Now I want to release it to Mac App Store. My app runs correctly, but not in sandbox mode. App structure is as following:
The first thing I've done is to get permission to execute "BuildTask.command".
NSTask *permissionTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
permissionTask.launchPath = @"/bin/bash";
permissionTask.arguments = @[@"-c", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"chmod +x %@", pathToBuildTask], @"run"];
[permissionTask launch];
[permissionTask waitUntilExit];
Otherwise, BuildTask produces an error:
Problem Running Task: launch path not accessible
After executing the permission task, I execute my BuildTask.command file with NSTask that includes xcodebuild commands in it.
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"BuildTask" ofType:@"command"]];
task.launchPath = path;
task.arguments = scriptArguments;
[task launch];
[task waitUntilExit];
Everything is OK when App Sandbox is off in Capabilities. When I enable App Sandbox for Mac App Store, permission task gives error:
chmod: Unable to change file mode on .../MyApp.app/Contents/Resources/BuildTask.command: Operation not permitted
When I execute chmod on BuildTask.command manually, defaults write commands and xcodebuild commands in BuildTask.command give errors like:
defaults[2264:70400] Could not write domain .../SampleApp/SampleApp/SampleApp-Info.plist; exiting
xcodebuild[2410] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamCreate: _FSEventStreamCreate: ERROR: watch_path() failed for '/'
xcodebuild[2410] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamCopyPathsBeingWatched(): failed assertion 'streamRef != NULL'
../MyApp.app/Contents/Resources/BuildTask.command: line 65: 2410 Segmentation fault: 11 xcodebuild -scheme "${SCHEME}" clean build CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="${SIGNING_IDENTITY}" "${BUILD_ARGUMENT}" "${WORKSPACE_OR_PROJECT}"
So, do I have any chance to release this tool to Mac App Store?
Any help would really appreciated.
Probably not what you want to hear:
- The first thing I've done is to get permission to execute "BuildTask.command".
You have two problems here. First if you wish to change the permissions on a file from within an app you should be using framework or system calls to do so directly, not calling NSTask
to execute a shell which in turn executes a command which calls those framework or system calls...
Second you should not be trying to change the contents of your application bundle from within the application. If you need a file in your application bundle to have execute permission then set it when you build the app. You can do that with a build phase in Xcode.
So, have I any chance to release this tool to Mac App Store?
Little or none.
Xcode itself is not a sandboxed application and the error messages you are getting indicate that it is trying to do operations which violate the sandbox it has inherited from your app.