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Using Spring @EnableRedisHttpSession with master-slave configuration

I have a Spring Cloud based application with multiple backend Spring-Boot servers. The servers are all sharing their session with a single Redis server via @EnableRedisHttpSession.

I now have a requirement for failover support of Redis in production, which means I will have to setup a master-slave configuration (I guess...).

How will I configure Http Session replication via Redis to be aware of the two servers? I could not find any documentation on this. Note that I am not using Spring Data Redis here, just the Spring Session support for Redis.


  • Spring Session Redis uses Spring Data Redis to integrate with Redis and so you can use Redis Sentinel (see To give you the full picture:

    Redis allows managed (Redis Sentinel) and unmanaged Master-Slave setups. Unmanaged setups provide no failover whereas Sentinel managed setups failover the master node once it's down. Redis Sentinel monitors all master/slave nodes and once a master is not available, a slave will be promoted to a new master.

    You can configure Spring Data Redis for Sentinel usage with following properties:

    • spring.redis.sentinel.master: name of the master node.
    • spring.redis.sentinel.nodes: Comma delimited list of host:port pairs.

    or you provide an own RedisConnectionFactory bean. See Spring Data Redis docs for further details.

    HTH, Mark