Search code examples

How to build dynamic SQL by PredicateBuilder for this?

I'm using the PredicateBuilder as seen here, I want to build a LINQ for table, how to transform this transact-sql to LINQ?

FROM Members 
WHERE Confirm=true 
AND CaseExist=true 
AND ( Username LIKE '%Jack%' OR Fullname LIKE '%Jack%' ) 
AND ( Tags IN ('3D','Photoshop','Java','Design') ) 
AND ( Catid+',' LIKE '%2,%' OR Catid+',' LIKE '%4,%' 
      OR Catid+',' LIKE '%5,%' OR Catid+',' LIKE '%21,%' ) 
ORDER BY Rate1 DESC, Rate2 DESC, Rate3 DESC, LatestLogin DESC, LatestUpdate DESC

I build this:

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Member>();

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString))
    predicate = predicate.And(x =>
        || x.FullName.Contains(SearchString)

predicate = predicate.And(x => x.Confirmed == true)
                     .And(x => x.CaseExist == true);

But I can't go on, so can anyone suggest me on how to do this?


  •     string[] arr = new string[] { "3D", "Photoshop", "Java", "Design" };
        predicate = predicate.And(x => arr.Contains(x.Tags));
        var arr2 = new[] { "2", "4", "5", "21" };
        var predicateCatid = PredicateBuilder.False<Member>();
        foreach (var cat in arr2)
            predicateCatid = predicateCatid.Or(x => (x.Catid + ",").Contains(cat + ","));               
        predicate = predicate.And(predicateCatid);

    I wonder why Tags can have only one tag in it.