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C# How to make async MessageBox that returns DialogResult?

My MessageBox is async, but how can I return DialogResult?

Here is my code:

class AsyncMessageBox
    private delegate void ShowMessageBoxDelegate(string strMessage, string strCaption, MessageBoxButtons enmButton, MessageBoxIcon enmImage);
    // Method invoked on a separate thread that shows the message box.
    private static void ShowMessageBox(string strMessage, string strCaption, MessageBoxButtons enmButton, MessageBoxIcon enmImage)
        MessageBox.Show(strMessage, strCaption, enmButton, enmImage);
    // Shows a message box from a separate worker thread.
    public void ShowMessageBoxAsync(string strMessage, string strCaption, MessageBoxButtons enmButton, MessageBoxIcon enmImage)
        ShowMessageBoxDelegate caller = new ShowMessageBoxDelegate(ShowMessageBox);
        caller.BeginInvoke(strMessage, strCaption, enmButton, enmImage, null, null);


  • If you want to use the dialog result of a non-blocking message box and perform a job based on the result:

    Task.Run(() =>
        var dialogResult=  MessageBox.Show("Message", "Title", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
        if (dialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
            MessageBox.Show("OK Clicked");
            MessageBox.Show("Cancel Clicked");


    • The code after Task.Run immediately runs regardless of messagebox.