I have native ios code project , I can run it fine without any problem , my aim is to use some classes in that project with cordova project .
I have create cordova project and copied the classes from native ios code to my cordova projoct but I get errors , also I have copying cordova classes .. lib .. etc to the native ios project , also I get errors , how I can run ios native project with cordova ?
You can create a cordova plugin that use native classes, basically is a JavaScript Interface that call native code methods.
If you have more that one class, all your classes can be included in plugin.xml
under <platform name="ios">
tag. In this way you can use all functions that you want.
The only way to create a plugin is following the official guide. Read this documents:
Cordova plugin development guide: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/5.4.0/guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html
iOS plugin development guide: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/5.4.0/guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html