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PHP - Using pathinfo variables makes relative paths not to work

I am hoping to achieve some kind of cms on my own. I see i can catch Apache enviromental variables, known as PATH_INFO, so this way i can make dynamic sections on my site (just like joomla does).

for example:

Currently i'm developing a function to find out wich section and article was requested, by doing this:

$url_seccion = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$secciones_array =  array_values(array_filter(explode('/', $url_seccion)));

This part is working fine, the issue i'm having is that all relative paths i had now are broken. Can someone explain me why is this happening and what can i do to solve it? (Please don't tell me i have to use absolute paths...)


  • example:

    $url = "";
    $myArray = array_slice( explode('/', $url), 2 );
    echo "section: ". $myArray[0] ."<br /> article: ". $myArray[1]."<br />";
    if(isset($myArray[0]))  {
    $section = $myArray[0];
    } else {
    $section = "";
    if(isset($myArray[1]))  {
    $article = $myArray[1];
    } else {
    $article = "";
    switch(strtolower($section)) {
    echo "home";
    case 'section1':
    echo "function for find and show my article: ". $article;

    to use section saved in db, you can use a select to find the id of it and then Article

    To redirect all requests to index.php use:


    Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond $0 !^(index\.php|css|js|img)
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [L]


    $url = addslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $myArray = array_slice( explode('/', $url), 1 );