---- PLEASE CLOSE ----
I found where the problem is. I'm going to start a new question for the real problem ....
My Situation:
Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)
But it has to be platform independent
I have a text file (UTF-8) with special characters like ¥ © ® Ỳ È Ð
. I have a std::map
where I would like to have a datatype for the key to hold these special characters. Currently I'm using wchar_t
Then I have to use strings, which can contain these chars. Now I'm using std::wstring
I have to read that UTF-8 file. So, I thought using a wifstream
. And for line processing, I used wstringstream
I think this isn't bad, what I've done so far... If not, what is better?
What is going wrong:
Of course, I have to read that file. But reading the lines stops at the first line with a special char. In short this is what I did:
map<wchar_t, Glyph*> glyphs;
wifstream in(txtFile.c_str());
if (!in.is_open())
throw runtime_error("Cannot open font text file!!");
wstring line;
while (getline(in, line)) // edit
printf("Loading glyph\n");
if (line.length() == 0)
wchar_t keyChar = line.at(0);
/* First, put the four floats into the wstringstream */
wstringstream ss(line.substr(2));
/* Now, read them out */
Glyph *g = new Glyph();
ss >> g->x;
ss >> g->y;
ss >> g->w;
ss >> g->h;
glyphs[keyChar] = g;
printf("Glyph `%c` (%d): %f, %f, %f, %f\n", keyChar, keyChar, g->x, g->y, g->w, g->h);
So, the question is: How to read a file with the special chars with a wifstream?
Thanks in advance!
How the file looks:
0.000000 0.000000 0.010909 0.200000
A 0.023636 0.000000 0.014545 0.200000
B 0.050909 0.000000 0.014545 0.200000
C 0.078182 0.000000 0.014545 0.200000
D 0.105455 0.000000 0.014545 0.200000
E 0.132727 0.000000 0.014545 0.200000
È 0.661818 0.400000 0.014545 0.200000
É 0.689091 0.400000 0.014545 0.200000
Ê 0.716364 0.400000 0.014545 0.200000
Ë 0.743636 0.400000 0.014545 0.200000
Ì 0.770909 0.400000 0.012727 0.200000
Í 0.796364 0.400000 0.012727 0.200000
Î 0.821818 0.400000 0.012727 0.200000
Ï 0.847273 0.400000 0.012727 0.200000
Ð 0.872727 0.400000 0.014545 0.200000
Ñ 0.900000 0.400000 0.014545 0.200000
use while( !in )
instead of the eof
variant, it's better, see this question
I'm assuming you're using Windows (as Linux and Mac normally have native UTF-8 platform encoding, which allows you to ignore most of this stuff).
What I would do is read the whole file as char
s and convert it to wchar_t
's using the handy functions in this question by me :).
Remember: on linux (and probably mac os x too) you can just output a UTF-8 stream to a terminal and get the right characters, in Windows, that's a whole different kond of story.