I am learning on contravariance and tried the following to absorb the concept:
interface B<T>
T h();
public class SomeOtherClass<T> : B<T>
public T h()
return default(T);
public class Trial
static void Main()
SomeOtherClass<Derived> h = new SomeOtherClass<Derived>();
Base b = h.h();
I was expecting that this code would error out at the last statement and thought making T contravariant would fix it. However, this works as is. Makes me wonder where contravariance finds applicability?
Generics varriance is used in interface and delgates
Change your code to below and you will start getting the error
public class Trial
static void Main()
B<Derived> h = new SomeOtherClass<Derived>();
B<Base> b = h; // you will get compilation error until you add out keyword in interface B
Here out (Contravariant) keyword is way to tell compiler that instance of B is safe to be considered b