I've been meaning to try out rebol (or red). I think it might be the perfect fit for my next project. I've downloaded and tested out red 0.5.4, and REBOL/View 2.7(http://www.rebol.com/download-view.html)
However, there are a couple of roadblocks for a complete beginner to rebol:
So, my question is, if I were to develop a (Windows) gui application with http access (including http authentication) where should I start?
Should I use rebol 2, rebol 3(ren c), or red?
p.s. first question ever!
Red is in alpha so you've already excluded it. Rebol 3 with view is not supported by anyone as far as I know. So this leaves you with Rebol 2. I think you can still purchase a license for the SDK. And there are many people who can answer support questions.