Not sure if this is possible but I'm trying to create a partial function from a function with positional and keyword arguments. The problem is, I want the argument in the resulting partial function to set one of the keyword arguments in the original function - not one of its positional arguments.
Here is the original function's definition:
def cost_function(self, X, y, weights=None, lambda_param=0.0):
I want a partial function that I can pass to scipy.minimise so I can find the optimum weights values (weights is an ndarray).
So what I need is a partial function with just one argument (x say):
But I want the partial function to set the weights argument when it calls the original function:
my_network.cost_function(X, y, weights=x, lambda_param=0.0)
(I know I could change the original function so that the weights argument is positional not a keyword argument but I don't want to do that because I also want to use the function without a weights argument set).
I think that functools.partial meet your needs
See example:
import functools
def cost_function(self, X, y, weights=None, lambda_param=0.0):
print (weights)
cost_func = functools.partial(cost_function, None, 20, 30, lambda_param=2.0)
print (cost_func("Yay it worked!!!"))