Recently I had some problems representing some data with xyplot
. Everything appears very nicely but my boss asked me to break the axis (I'm not very fan of break axis). So far I have been able to do this with the function shingle
, yet the order of panels is such a mess that read the information is imposible. In addition, I would like strips showing only the variable cs
no the st
(information specified in my sample data.frame) on the graphic. Then, the real challenge is to fix all this requirements into lattice, which is the internal standard for graphics in the group.
Here is my example data.frame ( sample of code:
AA<-read.csv("~/example.csv",header = T,sep = ";",dec = ",")
AA$st <-
intervals = rbind(c(0, 14),
c(23, 26)))
AA<-AA[with(AA, order(t)), ]
my.panel.1 <- function(x, y, subscripts, col, pch,cex,sd,...) {
low95 <- y-sd[subscripts]
up95 <- y+sd[subscripts]
panel.xyplot(x, y, col=col, pch=pch,cex=cex, ...)
panel.arrows(x, low95, x, up95, angle=90, code=3,lwd=3,
length=0.05, alpha=0.5,col=col)
xyplot( logOD~t|cs+st,
strip = T,
xlab = list("Time ", cex=1.5),
ylab = list("growth", cex=1.5),
scales = list(x = "free"), between = list(x = 0.5),
par.settings = list(layout.widths = list(panel = c(6, 2))))
In advance, sorry if there is any mistake in the formulation of my question, I do not have a programming background and this is me third question.
You want to go through st
and then cs
. So try xyplot( logOD~t|st+cs,
Maybe use layout=c(4,3)
if needed. And as.table=TRUE
if you want it to start in upper left.