I would like to create a method that uses the keyword in
instead of a comma to separate parameters in a method declaration; something similar to the foreach(a in b)
Class Structure
public class Length
public double Inches;
public double Feet;
public double Yards;
public enum Unit { Inch, Foot, Yard }
Dictionary<Unit, double> inchFactor = new Dictionary<Unit, double>()
{ Unit.Inch, 1 },
{ Unit.Foot, 12 },
{ Unit.Yard, 36 }
public Length(double value, Unit unit)
this.Inches = value * inchFactor[unit];
this.Feet = this.Inches / inchFactor[Unit.Foot];
this.Yards = this.Inches / inchFactor[Unit.Yard];
Method Definition in Class
// I'd like to know how to use "in" like this ↓
public List<Length> MultiplesOf(Length divisor in Length dividend)
double inchEnumeration = divisor.Inches;
List<Length> multiples = new List<Length>();
while (inchEnumeration <= dividend.Inches)
multiples.Add(new Length(inchEnumeration, Length.Unit.Inch));
inchEnumeration += divisor.Inches;
return multiples;
Ideal Implementation
private void DrawRuler()
Length eighthInch = new Length(0.125, Length.Unit.Inch);
Length oneFoot = new Length(1, Length.Unit.Foot);
// Awesome.
List<Length> tickGroup = Length.MultiplesOf(eighthInch in oneFoot);
double inchPixels = 10;
foreach (Length tick in tickGroup)
// Draw ruler.
I've looked into creating new keywords, but it looks like C# does not support defining keywords.
While you can't redefine an existing keyword, there is other way to accomplish what you in a slightly different way using Fluent Interface :
public class Length
// ...
public static IFluentSyntaxProvider MultiplesOf(Length divisor)
return new FluentSyntaxProvider(divisor);
public interface IFluentSyntaxProvider
List<Length> In(Length dividend);
private class FluentSyntaxProvider : IFluentSyntaxProvider
private Length divisor;
public FluentSyntaxProvider(Length divisor)
this.divisor = divisor;
public List<Length> In(Length dividend)
double inchEnumeration = divisor.Inches;
List<Length> multiples = new List<Length>();
while (inchEnumeration <= dividend.Inches)
multiples.Add(new Length(inchEnumeration, Length.Unit.Inch));
inchEnumeration += divisor.Inches;
return multiples;
Example of usage :
// Awesome.
List<Length> tickGroup = Length.MultiplesOf(eighthInch).In(oneFoot);