If I have an array that contains multiple FLV files like so:
my @src_files = qw (1.flv 2.flv 3.flv 4.flv 5.flv 6.flv 7.flv);
I can call flvbind.exe as an external commandline program to do the merging like so:
my $args = join(' ',@src_files);
my $dest_file = 'merged.flv';
system "flvbind $dest_file $args";
But the usage example for FLV::Splice is this:
use FLV::Splic;
my $converter = FLV::Splice->new();
I seem to be unable to figure out how to do the same thing like the flvbind does. Do I have to verbosely add every param like so:
use FLV::Splice;
my $dest_file = 'merged.flv';
my $converter = FLV::Splice->new();
This does not look like the correct way. I mean do I have to verbosely add every param? Is there a way to simplify the repeated use of the add_input method? Any pointers? Thanks like always :)
UPDATE: It turns out that this is a silly question. Thanks, @Eric for giving me the correct answer. I thought of using a for loop to reduce the repeated use of the add_input method but somehow I thought it would not work and I thought I was stuck. Well, I'll be reminding myself not to easily bother other people next time.
It's fairly easy to reduce the repetition:
$converter->add_input($_) for @src_files;
Or wrap the whole thing in a subroutine:
sub flv_splice {
my $dest_file = shift;
my $converter = FLV::Splice->new();
$converter->add_input($_) for @_;
flv_splice 'merged.flv', @src_files;