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How to get ngForm variable reference in the component class?

Given the following...


<form (ngSubmit) = "onSubmit()"
          #heroForm = "ngForm">
      <div class = "form-group">
        <label for = "name">Name</label>
        <input type = "text"
               class = "form-control"
               [(ngModel)] = ""
               ngControl = "name"
               #name = "ngForm"
        <p *ngIf = "name.dirty"
           class = "alert alert-danger">
          Name is required
        <!--<p [hidden] = "name.dirty"-->
           <!--class = "alert alert-danger">-->
          <!--Name is required-->

.. it possible to get the #name = "ngForm" (ngForm) reference in the .dart component to allow manipulation? Any suggestion and correction is welcome.


  • import this -

    import {ViewChild} from 'angular2/core';

    Just add this field with the annotation to the class

    // Dart syntax
    @ViewChild('heroForm') NgForm heroForm;

    You can't use it in the constructor though because it is only set later. In ngAfterViewInit or event handlers for user input you can use it without limitations.