When using react-router with redux-simple-router (may or may not cause the issue), so long as I have a require.ensure on every nav item link, the links do not change to the active state until I've clicked somewhere else on the page after clicking the link.
Step by step:
<Link />
and the view changes; although, the link has not updated the active state on any nav itemsThis did not happen before using require.ensure
and wasn't happening on my production server where it has 0.bundle.js
and bundle.js
. It only currently happens in my local environment where each link creates a new *.bundle.js
file for each view.
Some example routes:
module.exports =
component: 'div'
childRoutes: [
path: '/'
onEnter: (nextState, replaceState) =>
if nextState.location.pathname == '/'
replaceState null, '/game'
component: Master
childRoutes: [
path: 'game'
getComponent: (location, cb) =>
require.ensure [], (require) =>
cb null, require './views/game'
path: 'video-policy'
getComponent: (location, cb) =>
require.ensure [], (require) =>
cb null, require './views/video-policy'
path: '*'
getComponent: (location, cb) =>
require.ensure [], (require) =>
cb null, require './views/404'
And my router:
render() { return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history} routes={routes} />
In my navigation, I have this:
export default connect(
state => ({ state: state })
Use pure: false
in connect
– otherwise the context updates from the router will be ignored.
Here's an example:
export default connect(
state => ({ state: state }),
null, null,
{ pure: false }
pure: false
also needs to be added to components that directly reference your nav component.