I am trying to escape string for new line i.e \n. For example lets say string is:-
First Line Of String
second Line of String
Third Line of String
Now if i use String extension and say
func escapeString() -> String{
newString = self.stringByRemovingPercentEncoding
return newString
This extension does not give me newString as
First Line Of String\nSecond Line Of String\nThird Line Of String
I need above string as a jsonString to pass to server.i.e. i have to String encode it
is for percent encoding as used in URLs, as you might expect from the name. (If not from that, maybe from reading the docs, the pertinent part of which even shows up in Xcode code completion.) That is, it takes a string like "some%20text%20with%20spaces" and turns it into "some text with spaces".
If you want to do a different kind of character substitution, you'll need to do it yourself. But that can still be a one-liner:
extension String {
var withEscapedNewlines: String {
return self.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\n", withString: "\\n")
Note the first argument to self.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString
is an escape code passed to the Swift compiler, so the actual value of the argument is the newline character (ASCII/UTF8 0x0A). The second argument escapes the backslash (in the text passed to the Swift compiler), so the actual value of the argument is the text \n