I have a script for deploying AWS beanstalk applications. Early parts of the script modify a handful of files based on the environment I'm deploying:
if [[ $enviro == qa ]] || [[ $enviro == staging ]]; then
sed -i '' 's/'$app'.config/'$app'-'$enviro'.config/g' .ebextensions/0006_file.config
git add .ebextensions/0006_file.config && git commit -m " for deploy only - will be (soft) reset "
The last bit of my script reverts that with:
if [[ $enviro == qa ]] || [[ $enviro == staging ]]; then
git reset --soft HEAD~1
git reset HEAD .ebextensions/0006_file.config
git checkout .ebextensions/0006_file.config
However in between those two blocks I have the actual deploy line:
eb deploy $app-$enviro --label $current_date-$current_user --timeout 30 -v
What I'd like to do is write an if/then statement that exits the script if the 'eb deploy' block fails with exit code=1 but also does the git reset. If the script 'eb deploy' block succeeds I:
echo "Congratulations, you've deployed $branch to $enviro"
I can't tell but I may be overthinking this. I'm open to suggestions. My guess is that my second block will have to have another [[ ]] that sets the rc=$?
'Trap' put me down the right road but I needed to add a function to complete the process.
function clean_up {
if [[ $enviro == qa ]] || [[ $enviro == staging ]] || [[ $enviro == staging2 ]]; then
git reset --soft HEAD~1
git reset HEAD .ebextensions/0006_file.config
git checkout .ebextensions/0006_file.config
trap clean_up EXIT