Using a Crosstab dimensional report I having issues filtering out a specific value that I am getting from my calculated measure:
I am using the following calculated measure in Reporting Studio to get the required output..
ROUND(([A1_SCHEDQTY]+[B1_SCHEDQTY]) / ([A1_QTY]+[B1_QTY]) * 100, 1)
However, in a few cases I am getting an output of '/0' I am unable to filter this out. I have tried using an IF statement, but I believe my syntax is incorrect.
IF (ROUND(([A1_SCHEDQTY]+[B1_SCHEDQTY]) / ([A1_QTY]+[B1_QTY]) * 100, 1) = '/0') THEN NULL ELSE ROUND(([A1_SCHEDQTY]+[B1_SCHEDQTY]) / ([A1_QTY]+[B1_QTY]) * 100, 1)
Any advice?
You need to check the divisor of the equation for 0 instead of checking the entire equation for '/0'. If you check the entire equation, the divide by 0 still takes place.
Try this:
IF ([A1_QTY]+[B1_QTY] = 0) THEN (NULL) ELSE (ROUND(([A1_SCHEDQTY]+[B1_SCHEDQTY]) / ([A1_QTY]+[B1_QTY]) * 100, 1))