I have a WCF service that has one BaseForm that is inherited numerous time (100+), some (10+) have multi-layered inheritance too. All of the derived forms are listed as KnownTypes.
The problem I am having is the time it takes for the service to start up and to generate a client reference. Using the WCF Test Client as a test it takes about 10 minutes for it to complete. If I don't reference the KnowTypes (or just list a couple) it takes about 1.5 mins to fully complete.
Is there anyway to see what is going on, why it is taking so long? Or is there a better way than the standard?
How big is the WSDL generated for your service? Depending on how large those known types are, you are potentially including a huge amount of data in the 'service reference' or proxy.
Every object that you include as a KnownType
will be added to the WSDL or service metadata. This will include, at a minimum,
When you connect to the service to request metadata, as the WCF test client does when you provide a service URL, it will need to
What can you do about this? You probably don't need to do anything. This is a one time operation - once your service client knows the types that will can be sent and received it stores them (as generated code) and reuses them.