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assigning a metadata user via the sassrv account

I have built a test harness on the STP server, that spawns unique sessions for each test run. The problem I have now is that one of my tests requires the use of a metadata account (and my spawned sessions are running under the sassrv system account).

For info, the code snippet that spawns those sessions is below:

   * Execute all the backtest scripts and retain the logs
  options sascmd='!sascmd';
  %local waitforlist;
  %do x=1 %to %get_attrn(backtest_scripts,NLOBS);
    signon connx&x;
    %syslput LOC_BACKTEST_SCRIPTS=&LOC_BACKTEST_SCRIPTS /remote=connx&x;
    %syslput TEST_RUN_NO=&TEST_RUN_NO /remote=connx&x;
    %syslput TEST_ID=Test&x /remote=connx&x;
    %syslput TEST_PGM=&&test&x /remote=connx&x;
    %syslput LOG_LOC=&LOC_BACKTEST_LOGS\Test_&TEST_RUN_NO\&&test&x...log
    rsubmit connx&x wait=no ;
      proc printto log="&LOG_LOC"; run;
      options mprint source source2;
      %inc "&LOC_BACKTEST_SCRIPTS\&";
    %let waitforlist=&waitforlist connx&x;

  waitfor _all_ &waitforlist;

  %do x=1 %to %to %get_attrn(backtest_scripts,NLOBS);
    signoff connx&x;

My question - how do I now connect as a metadata user via the sassrv account? I know I could use the -metauser XXX -metapass XXX options but I'd rather not embed passwords in my script if possible..

I know (now) that we cannot set up the sassrv account as a metadata user, as it is already in use (SAS General Servers group). I also need streaming output, so cannot use the workspace server. I tried using AUTHDOMAIN on my rsubmit statement but keep getting:

ERROR: Retrieving login information based on AuthenticationDomain from the SAS Metadata Server failed.


  • So, in the end, I had to connect via an options statement with metauser / metapass (encoded) credentials. However, to avoid surfacing these in the code (or in the log) we created a network share that only the system accounts could access.. Then simply %inc'd a text file containing the credentials (with option nosource2 to be sure).

    Job done!