I recently made a game in Unity3D and I am trying to sign the code with a certificate I bought from Comodo (saved in a pfx file). I have done a ton of research on how to use it and have settled to running these commands:
doskey signtool="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\bin\i386\signtool.exe"
signtool sign /f "C:\...[path to cert on desktop]...\cert.pfx" "C:\...[path to exe on desktop]...\Game.exe"
No matter what I do, or slight variations I try, or anything, I always get the same error:
SignTool Error: A required paramter is missing.
Usage: signtool <command> [options]
Even running "signtool sign /?" gives me this same error. I don't understand why the program won't do or even tell me anything useful. Some sources I've seen say I need to add a "/p passwordHere" after the /f option, but that gives the same error message as all others.
You must let doskey
know that the macro signtool
expects parameters, which are to be passed onto the real signtool.exe
. This is done by appending $*
at the end of the definition.
doskey signtool="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\bin\i386\signtool.exe" $*
From the official Doskey docs (highlight mine):
To run a macro, type the macro name at the command prompt, starting at the first position. If the macro was defined with $* or any of the batch parameters $1 through $9, use a space to separate the parameters.