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How to get the historical weather for any city with BigQuery?

BigQuery has NOAA's gsod data loaded as a public dataset - starting in 1929:

How can I retrieve the historical data for any city?


  • Update 2019: For convenience

    SELECT * 
    FROM `fh-bigquery.weather_gsod.all`
    ORDER BY date DESC

    Updated daily - or report here if it doesn't

    For example, to get the hottest days for San Francisco stations since 1980:

    SELECT name, state, ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(date,temp) ORDER BY temp DESC LIMIT 5) top_hot, MAX(date) active_until
    FROM `fh-bigquery.weather_gsod.all` 
    AND date > '1980-01-01'
    GROUP BY 1,2
    ORDER BY active_until DESC

    enter image description here

    Note that this query processed only 28MB thanks to a clustered table.

    And similar, but instead of using the station name I'll use a location and a table clustered by the location:

    WITH city AS (SELECT ST_GEOGPOINT(-122.465, 37.807))
    SELECT name, state, ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(date,temp) ORDER BY temp DESC LIMIT 5) top_hot, MAX(date) station_until
    FROM `fh-bigquery.weather_gsod.all_geoclustered`  
    WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date) > 1980
    AND ST_DISTANCE(point_gis, (SELECT * FROM city)) < 40000
    GROUP BY name, state
    HAVING EXTRACT(YEAR FROM station_until)>2018
    LIMIT 5

    enter image description here

    Update 2017: Standard SQL and up-to-date tables:

    SELECT TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(year,'-',mo,'-',da)) day, AVG(min) min, AVG(max) max, AVG(IF(prcp=99.99,0,prcp)) prcp
    FROM `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod2016`
    WHERE stn='722540' AND wban='13904'
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY day

    Additional example, to show the coldest days in Chicago in this decade:

    SELECT year, FORMAT('%s%s',mo,da) day ,min
    FROM `fh-bigquery.weather_gsod.stations` a
    JOIN `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod201*` b
    ON a.usaf=b.stn AND a.wban=b.wban
    AND min!=9999.9
    AND mo<'03'
    ORDER BY 1,2

    To retrieve the historical weather for any city, first we need to find what station reports in that city. The table [fh-bigquery:weather_gsod.stations] contains the name of known stations, their state (if in the US), country, and other details.

    So to find all the stations in Austin, TX, we would use a query like this:

    SELECT state, name, lat, lon
    FROM [fh-bigquery:weather_gsod.stations] 
    WHERE country='US' AND state='TX' AND name CONTAINS 'AUST'
    LIMIT 10

    enter image description here

    This approach has 2 problems that need to be solved:

    • Not every known station is present in that table - I need to get an updated version of this file. So don't give up if you don't find the station you are looking for here.
    • Not every station found in this file has been operating every year - so we need to find stations that have data during the year we are looking for.

    To solve the second problem, we need to join the stations table with the actual data we are looking for. The following query looks for stations around Austin, and the column c looks at how many days during 2015 have actual data:

    SELECT state, name, FIRST(a.wban) wban, FIRST(a.stn) stn, COUNT(*) c, INTEGER(SUM(IF(prcp=99.99,0,prcp))) rain, FIRST(lat) lat, FIRST(lon) long
    FROM [fh-bigquery:weather_gsod.gsod2015] a
    JOIN [fh-bigquery:weather_gsod.stations] b 
    ON a.wban=b.wban
    AND a.stn=b.usaf
    WHERE country='US' AND state='TX' AND name CONTAINS 'AUST'
    GROUP BY 1,2
    LIMIT 10

    enter image description here

    That's good! We found 4 stations with data for Austin during 2015.

    Note that we had to treat "rain" in a special way: When a station doesn't monitor for rain, instead of null, it marks it as 99.99. Our query filters those values out.

    Now that we know the stn and wban numbers for these stations, we can pick any of them and visualize the results:

    SELECT TIMESTAMP('2015'+mo+da) day, AVG(min) min, AVG(max) max, AVG(IF(prcp=99.99,0,prcp)) prcp
    FROM [fh-bigquery:weather_gsod.gsod2015]
    WHERE stn='722540' AND wban='13904'
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY day

    enter image description here