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How to Convert IPv4 Addresses to/from Long in Scala

I was looking for a basic utility with 2 functions to convert IPv4 Addresses to/from Long in Scala, such as "" to its Long representation of 168430090 and back. A basic utility such as this exists in many languages (such as python), but appears to require re-writing the same code for everyone for the JVM.

What is the recommended approach on unifying IPv4ToLong and LongToIPv4 functions?


  • import
    def IPv4ToLong(dottedIP: String): Long = {
      val addrArray: Array[String] = dottedIP.split("\\.")
      var num: Long = 0
      var i: Int = 0
      while (i < addrArray.length) {
        val power: Int = 3 - i
        num = num + ((addrArray(i).toInt % 256) * Math.pow(256, power)).toLong
        i += 1
    def LongToIPv4 (ip : Long) : String = {
      val bytes: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](4)
      bytes(0) = ((ip & 0xff000000) >> 24).toByte
      bytes(1) = ((ip & 0x00ff0000) >> 16).toByte
      bytes(2) = ((ip & 0x0000ff00) >> 8).toByte
      bytes(3) = (ip & 0x000000ff).toByte
    scala> IPv4ToLong("")
    res0: Long = 168430090
    scala> LongToIPv4(168430090L)
    res1: String =