My simple data set look like the following.
+--------+------+--------+-----+-----+ | Time | Firm | Out | Lab | Cap | +--------+------+--------+-----+-----+ | Jan-00 | A | 161521 | 261 | 13 | | Feb-00 | A | 142452 | 334 | 15 | | Mar-00 | A | 365697 | 156 | 14 | | Apr-00 | A | 355789 | 134 | 12 | | May-00 | A | 376843 | 159 | 15 | | Jun-00 | A | 258762 | 119 | 12 | | Jul-00 | A | 255447 | 41 | 45 | | Aug-00 | A | 188545 | 247 | 75 | | Sep-00 | A | 213663 | 251 | NA | | Oct-00 | A | 273209 | 62 | 12 | | Nov-00 | A | 317468 | 525 | 15 | | Dec-00 | A | 238668 | 217 | 16 | | Jan-01 | B | 241286 | 298 | 42 | | Feb-01 | B | 135288 | 109 | 45 | | Mar-01 | B | 363609 | 7 | 24 | | Apr-01 | B | 318472 | NA | 56 | | May-01 | B | 446279 | 0 | 12 | | Jun-01 | B | 390230 | 50 | 12 | | Jul-01 | B | 118945 | 143 | 45 | | Aug-01 | B | 174887 | 85 | NA | | Sep-01 | B | 183770 | 80 | 15 | | Oct-01 | B | 197832 | 214 | 12 | | Nov-01 | B | 317468 | 525 | 15 | | Dec-01 | B | 238668 | 217 | 16 | +--------+------+--------+-----+-----+
The above data set can be reproduced using the following code.
structure(list(Time = structure(c(9L, 7L, 15L, 1L, 17L, 13L,
11L, 3L, 23L, 21L, 19L, 5L, 10L, 8L, 16L, 2L, 18L, 14L, 12L,
4L, 24L, 22L, 20L, 6L), .Label = c("Apr-00", "Apr-01", "Aug-00",
"Aug-01", "Dec-00", "Dec-01", "Feb-00", "Feb-01", "Jan-00", "Jan-01",
"Jul-00", "Jul-01", "Jun-00", "Jun-01", "Mar-00", "Mar-01", "May-00",
"May-01", "Nov-00", "Nov-01", "Oct-00", "Oct-01", "Sep-00", "Sep-01"
), class = "factor"), Firm = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("A", "B"), class = "factor"), Out = c(161521L,
142452L, 365697L, 355789L, 376843L, 258762L, 255447L, 188545L,
213663L, 273209L, 317468L, 238668L, 241286L, 135288L, 363609L,
318472L, 446279L, 390230L, 118945L, 174887L, 183770L, 197832L,
317468L, 238668L), Lab = c(261L, 334L, 156L, 134L, 159L, 119L,
41L, 247L, 251L, 62L, 525L, 217L, 298L, 109L, 7L, NA, 0L, 50L,
143L, 85L, 80L, 214L, 525L, 217L), Cap = c(13L, 15L, 14L, 12L,
15L, 12L, 45L, 75L, NA, 12L, 15L, 16L, 42L, 45L, 24L, 56L, 12L,
12L, 45L, NA, 15L, 12L, 15L, 16L)), .Names = c("Time", "Firm",
"Out", "Lab", "Cap"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
First I get the panel structure for the panel data regression using the following command
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "English")
dat["time1"] <- as.yearmon(dat$Time,format="%b-%y")
pdat <-pdata.frame(dat,index=c("Firm","time1"))
Now run the regression
Model1<- plm(Out ~ Lab+Cap+I(0.5*(Lab^2))
Then short cuts are created for the resulted estimates as below.
a1 <- coef( Model1 )[ "Lab" ]
a2 <- coef( Model1 )["Cap"]
a11 <- coef( Model1 )[ "I(0.5*(Lab^2))" ]
b22 <- coef( Model1 )[ "I(0.5*(Cap^2))" ]
a12 <-a21<- coef( Model1 )[ "I(Lab*Cap)" ]
pdat$mpLab <- with( pdat,+ a1 + a11 * a1 + a12*a2)
I have this code to calculate marginal product of area. But my data frame has got some missing values and I need to include the code to remove those missing values from the above calculation. Otherwise the answer also comes as NA. I just tried to include below at the end of above code.
pdat$mpLab <- with( pdat,+ a1 + a11 * a1 + a12*a2,na.rm=TRUE)
But it does not take that tag.The dataframe pdat is a panel data set analysed using panel data regression. a1, a2,a11,a12 are coefficients of the particular regression. pdat has some missing data and I believe this pdat$mpLab gives NA for the each observation due to that missing data in the pdat.
Much appreciated if anybody can help me.
I'm not completely sure this is the problem you are referring to, but this is definitely a problem in the code you submitted : some indices of model coefficients where not correctly typed, they are missing a few space characters. When the indices don't exist, NAs are returned.
When I used the correct typing:
a1 <- coef( Model1 )[ "Lab" ]
a2 <- coef( Model1 )["Cap"]
a11 <- coef( Model1 )[ "I(0.5 * (Lab^2))" ]
b22 <- coef( Model1 )[ "I(0.5 * (Cap^2))" ]
a12 <-a21<- coef( Model1 )[ "I(Lab * Cap)" ]
I did get all coefficients having values, and
pdat$mpLab <- with( pdat,+ a1 + a11 * a1 + a12*a2)
did populate the dataframe.
Hope this is what you want