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How to code remove NA in "with" base in R

My simple data set look like the following.

|  Time  | Firm |  Out   | Lab | Cap |
| Jan-00 | A    | 161521 | 261 | 13  |
| Feb-00 | A    | 142452 | 334 | 15  |
| Mar-00 | A    | 365697 | 156 | 14  |
| Apr-00 | A    | 355789 | 134 | 12  |
| May-00 | A    | 376843 | 159 | 15  |
| Jun-00 | A    | 258762 | 119 | 12  |
| Jul-00 | A    | 255447 | 41  | 45  |
| Aug-00 | A    | 188545 | 247 | 75  |
| Sep-00 | A    | 213663 | 251 | NA  |
| Oct-00 | A    | 273209 | 62  | 12  |
| Nov-00 | A    | 317468 | 525 | 15  |
| Dec-00 | A    | 238668 | 217 | 16  |
| Jan-01 | B    | 241286 | 298 | 42  |
| Feb-01 | B    | 135288 | 109 | 45  |
| Mar-01 | B    | 363609 | 7   | 24  |
| Apr-01 | B    | 318472 | NA  | 56  |
| May-01 | B    | 446279 | 0   | 12  |
| Jun-01 | B    | 390230 | 50  | 12  |
| Jul-01 | B    | 118945 | 143 | 45  |
| Aug-01 | B    | 174887 | 85  | NA  |
| Sep-01 | B    | 183770 | 80  | 15  |
| Oct-01 | B    | 197832 | 214 | 12  |
| Nov-01 | B    | 317468 | 525 | 15  |
| Dec-01 | B    | 238668 | 217 | 16  |

The above data set can be reproduced using the following code.

    structure(list(Time = structure(c(9L, 7L, 15L, 1L, 17L, 13L, 
    11L, 3L, 23L, 21L, 19L, 5L, 10L, 8L, 16L, 2L, 18L, 14L, 12L, 
    4L, 24L, 22L, 20L, 6L), .Label = c("Apr-00", "Apr-01", "Aug-00", 
    "Aug-01", "Dec-00", "Dec-01", "Feb-00", "Feb-01", "Jan-00", "Jan-01", 
    "Jul-00", "Jul-01", "Jun-00", "Jun-01", "Mar-00", "Mar-01", "May-00", 
    "May-01", "Nov-00", "Nov-01", "Oct-00", "Oct-01", "Sep-00", "Sep-01"
    ), class = "factor"), Firm = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
    2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("A", "B"), class = "factor"), Out = c(161521L, 
    142452L, 365697L, 355789L, 376843L, 258762L, 255447L, 188545L, 
    213663L, 273209L, 317468L, 238668L, 241286L, 135288L, 363609L, 
    318472L, 446279L, 390230L, 118945L, 174887L, 183770L, 197832L, 
    317468L, 238668L), Lab = c(261L, 334L, 156L, 134L, 159L, 119L, 
    41L, 247L, 251L, 62L, 525L, 217L, 298L, 109L, 7L, NA, 0L, 50L, 
    143L, 85L, 80L, 214L, 525L, 217L), Cap = c(13L, 15L, 14L, 12L, 
    15L, 12L, 45L, 75L, NA, 12L, 15L, 16L, 42L, 45L, 24L, 56L, 12L, 
    12L, 45L, NA, 15L, 12L, 15L, 16L)), .Names = c("Time", "Firm", 
    "Out", "Lab", "Cap"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

First I get the panel structure for the panel data regression using the following command


    Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "English")
    dat["time1"] <- as.yearmon(dat$Time,format="%b-%y")
    pdat <-pdata.frame(dat,index=c("Firm","time1"))

Now run the regression

    Model1<- plm(Out ~ Lab+Cap+I(0.5*(Lab^2))

Then short cuts are created for the resulted estimates as below.

    a1 <- coef( Model1 )[ "Lab" ]
    a2 <- coef( Model1 )["Cap"]
    a11 <- coef( Model1  )[ "I(0.5*(Lab^2))" ]
    b22 <- coef( Model1  )[ "I(0.5*(Cap^2))" ]
    a12 <-a21<- coef( Model1  )[ "I(Lab*Cap)" ]

    pdat$mpLab <- with( pdat,+ a1 + a11 * a1 + a12*a2)

I have this code to calculate marginal product of area. But my data frame has got some missing values and I need to include the code to remove those missing values from the above calculation. Otherwise the answer also comes as NA. I just tried to include below at the end of above code.

    pdat$mpLab <- with( pdat,+ a1 + a11 * a1 + a12*a2,na.rm=TRUE)

But it does not take that tag.The dataframe pdat is a panel data set analysed using panel data regression. a1, a2,a11,a12 are coefficients of the particular regression. pdat has some missing data and I believe this pdat$mpLab gives NA for the each observation due to that missing data in the pdat.

Much appreciated if anybody can help me.


  • I'm not completely sure this is the problem you are referring to, but this is definitely a problem in the code you submitted : some indices of model coefficients where not correctly typed, they are missing a few space characters. When the indices don't exist, NAs are returned.

    When I used the correct typing:

    a1 <- coef( Model1 )[ "Lab" ]
    a2 <- coef( Model1 )["Cap"]
    a11 <- coef( Model1  )[ "I(0.5 * (Lab^2))" ]
    b22 <- coef( Model1  )[ "I(0.5 * (Cap^2))" ]
    a12 <-a21<- coef( Model1  )[ "I(Lab * Cap)" ]

    I did get all coefficients having values, and

    pdat$mpLab <- with( pdat,+ a1 + a11 * a1 + a12*a2)

    did populate the dataframe.

    Hope this is what you want