I am trying to make a Get request to AtTask RESTful API to grab 1000s of project objects. ATask API documentation gives some hint on how to do this. I need to paginate the number of objects that I am going to request. Imagine that I need to grab whatever object that is available for the past 7 days, how can I change the following code to achieve this since I don't know the exact number of objects, so I don't know what should be the value of my pagination and I am not sure that if I can recursively send a Get request till all the data are fetched.
public JToken Search( ObjCode objcode, object parameters, int limit = 100 )
string[] p = parameterObjectToStringArray(parameters, "sessionID=" + SessionID);
JToken json = null;
if (limit > 100)
json = client.DoGet(string.Format("/{0}/search?$$LIMIT={1}", objcode,limit),limit,p);
json = client.DoGet(string.Format("/{0}/search", objcode),limit,p);
return json;
public JToken DoGet(string path,int limit = 100 ,params string[] parameters)
return DoRequest(path,limit ,parameters);
public JToken DoRequest(string path,int limit, params string[] parameters)
if (!path.StartsWith("/"))
path = "/" + path;
string fullUrl = url + path + ToQueryString(parameters,limit);
if (DebugUrls) Console.WriteLine("Requesting: {0}", fullUrl);
WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.CreateDefault(new Uri(fullUrl));
using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
return ReadResponse(responseStream);
private string ToQueryString(string[] parameters, int limit = 100)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
parameters.ToList().ForEach(s => sb.Append(s).Append("&"));
if (sb.Length > 0)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
return limit > 100 ? "&" + sb : "?" + sb;
You will want to first call a COUNT to get a value for how many objects you are dealing with. This is done the same way as /search but using /count instead of search.
GET /attask/api/v4.0/proj/count?status=cur
you can then use $$FIRST to page through and pull your results.
your code would look comething like this
public JToken Search( ObjCode objcode, object parameters, int limit = 100 )
string[] p = parameterObjectToStringArray(parameters, "sessionID=" + SessionID);
JToken json = null;
JToken count = null;
count = client.DoGet(string.Format("/{0}/count", objcode),limit,p);
for(int i=0; i<count; i+limit){
if (limit > 100)
json = client.DoGet(string.Format("/{0}/search?$$LIMIT={1}&$$FIRST={2}", objcode,limit,i),limit,p);
json = client.DoGet(string.Format("/{0}/search&$$FIRST={1}", objcode,i),limit,p);
return json;
this information can be found https://developers.workfront.com/api-docs/#PaginatedResponses